Do you keep a dream journal? In these times where we find ourselves restricted in the outside world our inner worlds may be opening like never before! I have heard and read of many people experiencing increased activity in this area. Now is a good time to record and explore these realms if you haven't already. Perhaps like me you have more so in the past and have come to neglect this important practice over time. Dreams are our link to the spiritual mind. They can be a doorway to divine messages, prophetic visions, inspirational, transformative, illuminating, a window to the soul.
Tribal cultures understood the sacred value of these journeys and shared them either around the fire or with perhaps a elder or shaman. They were an important part of daily life. Many spiritual teachings see this world as part of a great dream. Sufism the mystical branch of Islam places high importance on dreams, as did the peoples of many ancient civilizations. From The Veddas to the Bible they held a special place with those who were able to interpret them They were held in high regard and in some cases greatly feared for the power of such knowing. Yet we in the modern world with rare exceptions of those whose traditions continue to teach the inclusion of dreams have become so caught up in the doings of our outer world that our inner worlds have been shelved and largely forgotten. How often do we when asked if we remembered what we saw in our dreams reply "I don't remember" How often do we fail to see a recurring dream as a wake up call? How often do we recall and place importance on nightmares and think little of the metaphorical meanings they reveal that might help us in our struggles. How often do we have a beautiful dream yet let it dissolve in the dawn without even so much as a thank you to our creator for this gift? For dreams are indeed a gift and how would we treat the giver? Here is our chance to return to this place. When the inner is appreciated the outer will follow.
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